BELLEVUE — Local authorities are intensifying their search for Mark Bertram, a Bellevue resident who has been missing since early Sunday morning.
Police and emergency teams have been working along the Ohio River banks, hoping to locate Bertram, who was last seen leaving his home on Berry Avenue.
Bertram, who is approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall with white hair and a noticeable limp, left behind his walking cane, cell phone, and wallet.
Bellevue Police report they halted their search efforts at 3 a.m. Monday but plan to resume on the river by noon.
Authorities believe Bertram may have entered the Ohio River near Lafayette Avenue.
A K9 team was able to trace his scent from his home down to the river’s edge, and the search area now extends from Colfax Avenue to the river banks—a half-square-mile zone.
Police urge anyone who may see Bertram or have information on his whereabouts to call 911 immediately.
His current condition and location remain unknown.